Deb Fisher
Deb chooses to capture images mostly derived and inspired from the natural environment and spent her childhood exploring the rugged untamed coastline along the Great Ocean Road near Peterborough inVictoria. Her childhood memories are full of a busy life on a dairy farm, horse-riding and beach-combing. After completing a Bachelor of Fine Art (Painting) at Deakin University, Warrnambool in the early 90’s, Deb has continued her arts practice over the last three decades whilst enjoying the joys and commitment that raising a family entails. Deb now lives in Geelong and works full time as an Art Educator. It is her everlasting fascination and love with the unique flora and fauna of Victoria that is revisited in Debs work. The ordinary and often overlooked treasures of nature are given a sense of permanence in her work. There is often a story or narrative within the works as each object has a provenance, a purpose or a historical importance.
Interconnected objects are placed together in often ‘kaleidoscope style’ compositions and Deb using both oils and watercolour to capture the essence of the various objects character.